

resembling or having the properties or nature of wine
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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(GMO-HS), a member of the GMO Internet Group and one of the fastest growing web hosting and security companies in Japan, is pleased to announce the launch of WINISH, a new hosting service on a Windows Server 2003 as the operating platform.
Today, in response to trends in the European and American hosting markets where Windows-based hosting is rapidly growing in share, GMO-HS has turned its attention to the Japanese market, which has yet to mature, and developed WINISH. By promoting the spread of Windows-based hosting services, which offer high levels of convenience and stability as well as earning the confidence of customers, GMO-HS expects to further increase its own market share.
"Microsoft welcomes GMO-HS's WINISH shared hosting service on the Windows Server 2003 platform.
WINISH offers the consistent server performance achieved by using Windows Server 2003, as well as various capabilities that are provided as standard on the platform, including 'SiteBuilder', which enables quality Web sites to be created in just five steps, choosing from a comprehensive range of 267 design templates, 'Plan Manager', a high-performance server management tool developed independently by iSLE, which makes it easy to perform many server settings, and ASP.NET software enables the efficient creation of applications and performance enhancement.
On time ibinigay, at yung gender, winish namin and binigay pa rin so sobrang thank you talaga.' (I got so emotional because we've received so much blessings.