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(Agriculture) a tool for winnowing corn
vb (tr)
(Agriculture) obsolete Scot and Northern English to winnow (corn)
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References in periodicals archive ?
Wecht, who spoke on a Plenary Session panel called Family Law and the PA Supreme Court: Past, Present and Future.
Wecht, a judge serving on the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, the highest court in the state and the oldest Supreme Court in the nation, has chosen to speak out boldly and firmly about what he perceives to be a national crisis.
Some companies previously selling durables now include renting them in their offer (Samuel 2014; Winterhalter, Wecht, and Krieg 2015).
Para a maioria dos autores, a economia da partilha e um processo possibilitado pela internet (Riles, 2015; Matzler, Veider and Kathan, 2014; Lamberton & Rose, 2012; Winterhalter, Wecht & Krieg, 2015; Consumano, 2015; Cohen & Munoz, 2015; Mohlmann, 2015), no qual ha a interacao de pessoas, de um lado o emprestador, pessoa interessada em ganhar dinheiro extra (make extra Money) com um bem ocioso (Riles, 2015), de outro, o mutuario, pessoa disposta a pagar pelo acesso temporario aos bens na forma de servico ao inves da compra na forma de propriedade (Matzler, Veider and Kathan, 2014; Botsman and Rogers, 2010; Lamberton & Rose, 2012; Consumano, 2015).
Sae this book is gonnae be wirth its wecht in gowd."
Leavitt, V.M., Cirnigliaro, C., Cohen, A., Farag, A., Brooks, M., Wecht, J.M., Wylie, G.R., Chiaravalloti, N.D., DeLuca, J.
One of them, Justice David Wecht, was elected in 2015, and had called gerrymandering "an absolute abomination" during his campaign.
The figures singled out range from such professionals as Henry Lee, Michael Baden, William Bass, Jay Siegel, and John Butler, to Cyril Wecht, Vincent Di Maio, Marcella Fierro, Barry Fisher, and so many more.
* Dr Cyril Wecht (Albert Brooks) remarks on the gravity of Omalu's research findings: 'Bennet Omalu is going to war with a corporation that has 20 million people on a weekly basis craving their product the same way they crave food.
(1.) CYRIL WECHT, FORENSIC ASPECTS OF CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL TERRORISM 426 (2004) (explaining that the CDC divides bioweapons into three categories; six agents, including smallpox, are listed in the highest-priority category).