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Related to vitric: vitric tuff


(Elements & Compounds) of, relating to, resembling, or having the nature of glass; vitreous
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Also, vitric properties were not identified in the studied soils, as the criterion of >5% volcanic glass was not met (WRB 2015).
In the thin section it consists of fine grained components and has vitric tuff characteristics.
In fact, Things on Film would do just fine as the title for any of the very short films in Cornaro's recent show at LAXART, "This Morbid Roundtrip from Subject to Object." Premier reve d'Oskar Fischinger (Part II) (Oskar Fischinger's First Dream [Part II]), 2008, presents blown-glass paperweights from varying angles and proximities, drawing out the psychedelic nebulae of vitric colors and the overlapping textures of air bubbles and film grain.
The described tuffs show extensive alteration of vitric clasts leaving almost no traces of the original glass.
Plagioclase is commonly the only feldspar phyric phase in the felsic to intermediate volcanic clasts, including lapilli and vitric tuff and probable ash-flow tuff.
Los suelos de esta zona corresponden a una consolidacion Vitric Haplustands AMBc fase moderadamente inclinada, originados de cenizas volcanicas que yacen sobre tobas de ceniza y lapilli; son muy profundos y moderadamente profundos, bien drenados y de fertilidad alta y moderada.
The most common state of ash is vitric (glass like), which contains glassy particles formed by gas bubble busting through liquid magma [18].
There is thus a spatial association with geothermal systems and faults in the volcanic area of Paipa to provide a source and conduit for heated alkaline solutions which react with vitric tuffs to form the zeolites.