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(Animals) a member of the Ursidae family, which includes polar, brown, and black bears among many others
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈɜr sɪd)

any plantigrade carnivore of the family Ursidae, comprising the black bear, brown bear, polar bear, sun bear, and sloth bear.
[1920–25; < New Latin Ursidae=Urs(us) a genus (Latin: bear)]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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DECEMBER 21-22 - URSID METEORS THE last meteor shower of the year produces a handful of shooting stars every hour.
This year's solstice is special as it will be followed the next day by the year's last full moon, called the Cold Moon, and the Ursid meteor shower.
Summary: Ursid meteor shower to peak on December 22-23 with up to 10 meteors per hour
The Ursid Meteors fall after midnight at the rate of about five to 10 per hour on Dec.
The Ursid Meteors fall after midnight at the rate of about five to 10 per hour on December 21 and 22, but bright full moonlight is likely to obscure many of them.
The Ursid meteor shower will peak on Friday evening heading into Saturday morning for those in the Northern Hemisphere.
Qatar residents will also be able to observe 'Ursid meteor shower' from the evening of December 22 until the dawn of December 23.
Meanwhile, people in Qatar also have a good chance of seeing the Ursid meteor shower later this month, QCH said.
Caption: For observers around latitude 40[degrees] north, the Ursid radiant remains about 30[degrees] high from nightfall to around 1 a.m.
Among 241 trichinellosis cases reported in the state since 1975, 227 (94%) were attributed to consumption of nonporcine wild game, including ursid species (black bear [Ursus americanus], grizzly bear [Ursusarctos], and polar bear [Ursus maritimus]) and pinniped species (walrus and sea ice--associated seal species).
Artiodactyla, Avian, Canids, Felids, Hyenids, Perrisodactyla, Primates, Proboscida, Reptiles and Ursid. Each group was studied for lesions in above listed organs and data were analysed using simple analysis.
& KALINOWSKI, S.T., 2013.--Demographic connectivity for ursid populations at wildlife crossing structures in Banff National Park.