

not young; not characteristic of being young
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Robinson (1998) noted in her essay "'Unyoung, Unpoor, Unblack': John Updike and the Construction of Middle American Masculinity" that Rabbit Redux, published in the earlier 1970s, is situated "at the very beginning of an era marked by a crisis in the symbolic (if not social) position of white masculinity" (p.
"Unyoung, unpoor, unblack": John Updike and the construction of middle American masculinity.
Writing about the "Middle American" of the post-sixties, Richard Lemon finds that this group is made up of many people, all of whom are "unyoung, unpoor, unblack." He adds that "the one thread that ties all its groups together is resentment" against the many liberation movements attempting to gain civil rights and recognition (Lemon 26).