

not cut with a saw
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According to Jago Wadley, a senior forest campaigner for EIA, Cambodia's ban on unsawn logs is understood to be universal, while a moratorium on sawn timber may only apply to exports to Vietnam.
Within AUTOSAW the virtual logs and their internal branching structures can be viewed at any rotational setting and at any stage of the sawing process starting from the unsawn log through to individual boards with knot, pith, and wane defects on the four sawn surfaces.
Interpretation of Articles 23 to 31, 81, 85 and 86 EC with regard to a tax imposed, pursuant to national law, by the municipality of Carrara on marble (unsawn and unprocessed) upon its departure from the territory of that municipality.
After local stone and salvaged trees were selected as the major building materials, Sellers created a design that relied on unsawn timber as the structure's vertical supports.
Looking at the holistic beauty of the finished project, dubbed the "Tree House" because of the extensive use of unsawn timber, one might find this story a bit hard to believe.
Recent technology allows loggers to reclaim unsawn wood logged long ago and lost to riverbeds and lake bottoms.
Raw materials refers to items such as coal and minerals, unsawn logs, and unprocessed agricultural produce.
Its primary pronouncements for Amazonia include the establishment of a national park between Brazil and Peru, an end to fiscal incentives for forest clearing (virtually cut off already) and a prohibition on export of unsawn logs, already banned by Brazilian law.
Properties of two types of round timber beams are addressed in D3957: unsawn and sawn round timbers.
The purpose of this study was threefold: 1) compare actual with simulated lumber yields; 2) examine the effect of measurement errors associated with knot angles and morphology, on lumber grade; and 3) investigate methods for predicting lumber quality within unsawn logs from surface knots.
Logs used as structural members (sawn round timber beams such as ridge beams, floor joists, and purlins; unsawn round timber columns) in log homes are currently graded by visual examination with properties assigned by procedures given in ASTM D 3957 (Hope 1993, ASTM 2003).