

a lack of safety
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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At the opposite extreme, the presence of an insecure, anxious, ambivalent or disorganized bond leads to a basic feeling of unsafety and a felt sense of danger.
The authors concluded that these conditions account for unsafety at work, and are likely to impair the health, safety and wellbeing of this population of workers (15).
The "stay put" advice arose because of the building's own flaws and inherent unsafety. There was no central alarm system; only one narrow central stairwell to escape the building; fire doors and the ventilation system were faulty; and it was enveloped in cheap, flammable cladding that has been outlawed in the wake of the disaster.
"The worst thing is that apparently a tenant is granting them access into the building and is the cause of the unsafety and multiple troubles.
Addressing a news conference flanked with other JUI I members here in Quetta Press Club the JUIs leader and former Senator Hafiz Hamdullah condemned the recent target killing of JUI Fs leader and Imam of a mosque Habibullah Mengal in broad day light, Despite spending billions of rupees in revamping law and order, yet innocent citizens being targeted in busy streets of the provincial capital, which indulged citizens in the sense of unsafety.
There is a general perception that street foods are unsafety. Also vendors are generally unlicensed, and uneducated about food hygiene and sanitation practice and working in unhygienic conditions so these results with rising consumers' doubts.
The attack was traumatic for the community as it demonstrated the unsafety of West-Jerusalem's streets, on the very day of the parade and in the public city center.
11 : 47 PM - 01/05/2018 Manama, May 1 (BNA): The alleged unsafety of certain food products in the local market has been denied.
painful condition of loneliness and fear of unsafety. No one is free
As realized that company are in poor performance, employees will have unsafety feeling.