

(Cookery) (of fruit) still containing the stone
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BHPs aren't really finicky, but quality commercial ammo--along with a good, unpitted barrel --will make for an accurate pistol.
I ate the first pitted olive without too much difficulty, popped the second one into my mouth, bit down, and discovered in the worst way possible that the hotel had mixed pitted and unpitted olives in the same bowl.
Add 21/2 cups assorted brinecured unpitted olives, the zest, leaves and tender stems from 5 or 6 thyme sprigs, 1/8 tsp.
And unpitted olives aren't choking hazards, but are in fact delicious nibbles.
The action is smooth and tight, and the bore is clean and unpitted. I inherited it from my grandfather, and it was his primary deer rifle for many years.
Ingredients Needed for Each Tester 1 glass of a light-bodied off-dry white wine (such as an early-harvest Gewurztraminer) 1 glass of a dry, full-bodied, oaky white wine (such as Chardonnay) 1 glass of a medium-bodied red wine (such as Merlot) 2 wedges of apple 2 wedges of lemon 2 slices of cheese (mild flavor with firm texture such as Monterey Jack or Colby) Several black olives (unpitted) Saltshaker Step One
However, one or more of the olives was unpitted and caused problems for the Congressman upon consumption.
As I worked with this rifle, I wondered just what it would be like to have a .303 Martini with, a perfect, unpitted bore.
For each gallon of wine you want to wind up with, use 6-8 pounds of plums, whole and unpitted. Let's say you're starting small and want to make one gallon of wine.
Then toss on half a dozen unpitted kalamata olives, sprinkle everything heavily with oregano, and serve.