

(Metallurgy) (of a metal) not made into coin
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
He sent me also five chests of excellent sweetmeats, and a hundred pieces of gold uncoined, not quite so large as moidores.
He devoted himself to the national specificity, to nature and love, but revealing the pure essence of what is true-born, uncoined. He fought to understand the various forms of existence and he marked them out in a suggestive way.
Investors in coined gold normally pay a premium over the value of uncoined gold, which covers the cost of coining.
In Classical Greek it means 'uncoined (gold or silver)', 'unmarked', 'without distinguishing mark or official stamp', but later simply 'silver' (as at LXXJb.
unbent)] unselfish [It's exactly like itself An oxymoron in fact.] BOTH truthful and untruthful unannotated [Would be truthful if I hadn't put this damn note here.] unavoidable [Some may avoid this word entirely--but they can't prove it without disproving it.] unbearable [Most people can tolerate this word--unless said of themselves!] unbent [Each letter contains a bend (compare unround) but the word is straight by definition.] unclassified [Not top secret, but classified as an adjective.] uncoined [Not coined just now but was in the past.] underwater [Not unless you're willing to wrinkle your Word Ways!]
There is also an opportunity in each period for agents to use silver (coined or uncoined) to purchase their desired consumption goods on the world market.
(17) Note that this restriction rules out the use of uncoined precious metal as money, as occurs in Sargent and Wallace (1983).
In both stories, a Qurashi caravan loaded with silver (coined or uncoined) is raided by Muhammad's men.
How is the appropriate stock of coined gold versus uncoined gold determined?
Gold and silver can each be in either of two forms: coined or uncoined. For simplicity, all gold coins are of the same size and weigh [b.sub.1] ounces each; likewise with silver coins, each weighing [b.sub.2] ounces.
But she assumes that the reader is as familiar as she is with Public Service-Speak, also known as leaving no acronym uncoined. We are thus introduced to characters as being `Chair FLC, Chair CSCG and CSCEAG'.