

not purchased or bought
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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All entrants and retailers are strictly prohibited from removing tokens from any unbought or unsold copies of the paper for the duration of the competition.
These lessons teach us to be wary of claims that there are inescapable economic imperatives outside of politics just as they teach the champions of democracy to be ready with independent economists, unbought political leaders, and comprehensive economic plans to address and, more importantly and more urgently, to prevent the next global financial crisis.
Efforts to publicize through publications were not always effective; in 1955-56 Zhiganov received a directive from the Ministry of Culture complaining that insufficient advertisements had led to many books remaining unbought.
Chisholm's campaign slogan, "Unbossed and unbought", might be Davis's own mantra.
I'm trying to hold off, but it's just over a week until some semblance of routine returns to proceedings, and my head is about to release a big anxiety bubble filled with unbought school shoes, unironed-on name tags and unorganised after-school activities.
Word has it that he is currently formenting dissent against Ruto in his Uasin Gishu backyard by stoking emotions over the Maize scandal and maize that continues to lie unbought in many barns of Uasin Gishu.
Dainties are the luxury foods that fine folk eat, but there are also 'unbought dainties'--practically a set phrase--which are available to all.
"This is a man so wealthy that he doesn't need George Soros, he doesn't need the Warburgs or the Rothschilds--that he has his independent wealth that he's made in real-estate, and therefore I always viewed him as unbought and unbossed," Stone said.
We produce more than we consume and most of the unbought toys, clothes, and food end up either in landfills or the ocean.