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On Thursday, it was the turn of Craig Mair, already well known to club members through the regular involvement of his ceilidh band, The Skelpit Lug, in the entertainment given annually by the club with Interactors from Queen Victoria School for senior citizens from Dunblane and Bridge of Allan.
7.40pm: TRX v Paul McMeekin; Derek v Mitch; Kilnhouse v JCB 4; G Campbell v Skelpit.
Dunblane band The Skelpit Lug meaning whacked ear were stunned when they saw their gig on the isle of Iona advertised as The Celtic Slug.
George said Craig was already well known to the club as a speaker who has a wide range of historical publications to his credit, and through his involvement with the Skelpit Lug band that has played regularly at the club's winter concert.
Brother Darren said: "The night was a roaring success in which everyone enjoyed themselves as always with the talents of Skelpit Lug Ceilidh Band, led by Bridge of Allan's Craig Mair.We had attendees from as far north as Inverness to as far south as Hampshire.
"Callum's Ceilidh" will be led by the popular Skelpit Lug Ceilidh Band.