

1. (Theatre) a male professional whistler
2. (Animals) Canadian an animal that makes a whistling sound
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
Dayet El Ferd est frequentee par des dizaines d'especes d'oiseaux (colvert, souchet, pilet, siffleur...), de deux especes de fuligules, a savoir la milouin et la morillon, la sarcelle d'hiver, la becassine des marais et du vanneau huppe.
1983: Sexe et age ratios chez le canard siffleur Anas penelope L.
Metcalfe makes the journey out west to commemorate the anniversary of the dedication of the Airborne monument, and the anniversary of D-Day on June 6, at the Cairn of theist Canadian Parachute Battalion in Siffleur Falls, Alberta.
Leurs metiers sont retameur, saltimbanque, colporteur de livres et papiers a lettres, vannier, siffleur, chanteur ou musicien ambulant, marchand forain, marchand d'aiguilles et vendeur de chaussons, marchand de paniers, tondeur de chevaux, marchand d'anes, lutteur, boulanger, ouvrier, mendiant, garcon d'hotel, comedien, acrobate, ecuyer de cirque, directeur de theatre, graveur, boulanger, artiste d'agilite, artiste lyrique, laboureur, maquignon, fabricant de tabourets, terrassier, tapissier, raccommodeur de parapluies, tailleur ...
I shot a morillon (bluebill), a canard noir (black duck), a sarcelle (greenwing) and a siffleur (wigeon).
Hector travelled up the Bow River again, branching northward at Lake Louise, going over the Pipestone pass and down the Siffleur River to the Saskatchewan River, before ascending the fiver again, traversing Howse Pass.
In England 'nightingale' is the generic name for 'water whistle', which corresponds to rossignol in Spanish, vase siffleur or sifflet a can in French and bulbul testisi or bulbul ibrigi in Turkish (Richard Baxter, Ceramic Musical Instruments, Leigh on Sea, Essex 2001).
Percent of Sites Where English Common Name French Common Name Scientific Name Observed Snow goose Oie des neiges Chen caerulescens M Canada goose bernache du Canada Branta canadensis 100 Tundra swan cygne siffleur Cygnus columbianus 18 American black duck canard noir Anas rubripes 9 Mallard canard colvert A.
By the way, is he the brother of the bearded siffleur, Roger?
In the volume's last poem, Clancier sums up his poetry as "ce recitatif / sans lettres ni vocables," and, indeed, it is not the vocabulary that makes this collection memorable, nor, ultimately, its imagery, but its attention to language as music, as in this interplay of a voiced and an unvoiced fricative: "son serpent siffleur / faisait jouer aux femmes / une feinte et volupteuese / frayeur.
La Dayat El Ferd est frequentee par des dizaines d'especes d'oiseaux entre le colvert, le souchet, pilet et siffleur, deux especes de fuligules : la milouin et la morillon, la sarcelle d'hiver, le flamant rose.