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n. pl. scop·u·lae (-lē′)
1. A dense brushlike tuft of hairs, as on the feet of certain spiders and insects.
2. A ciliated structure by which certain protozoans attach to a surface.

[Latin scōpula, small brush of twigs, diminutive of scōpae, branches, broom.]

scop′u·late′ (-lāt′) adj.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


n, pl -las or -lae (-ˌliː)
(Zoology) a small tuft of dense hairs on the legs and chelicerae of some spiders
[C19: from Late Latin: a broom-twig, from scōpa thin twigs]
scopulate adj
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
Tarsi I with scopula entire, scopula of tarsi II divided by a line of setae, in tarsi III-IV divided by a band of setae.
Metatarsus IV with ventral distal spine in sparse distal scopula, metatarsi I-III without such a spine.
R A Psychidae Cryptothelea variegata C L Snellen Geometridae Scopula caricaria Reutti R L Percnia luridaria (Leech) R A Naxa (Psilonaxa) seriaria O L,A Motschulsky Gelasma illiturata Walker R A Comostola subtiliaria R A (Bremer) Tortricidae Archips seminubilis R A (Meyrick) Grapholitha delineana R A Walker Hemiptera Tingidae Leptoypha hospita Drake C N,A et Poor Pentatomidae Nezara viridula (Linnaeus) O A Menida sp.
The view from Sualo's cella intensifies the hagiographical motif of narrowness, for when the successor to Sualo's Solnhofen, the deacon Gundram, peers out of the little window of the hut, he sees nothing more than a string of monotonous pine forests, rye fields, and rocky overhangs (saxea scopula).
Tarsi I with scopula entire, tarsi II with scopula entire, with very thin longitudinal row of long setae, tarsi III-IV divided by a band of setae.
is allied to the African genera Austrophaea Lawrence, 1952, Mandaneta Strand, 1932 and Pronophaea Simon, 1897, with which it shares the strongly spined anterior legs, simple female spermathecal structure, and the male palp that has a fine median apophysis, curved embolus with associated conductor, and cymbium with a dense cymbial scopula and modified clavate setae.
They occur in the families Biantidae (Stenostygninae), Samoidae, Epedanidae, Stygnidae and Podoctidae ("Ibaloniinae" only), as a dense aggregation termed scopula (Rambla 1990; Pinto-da-Rocha et al.
Tarsi I-III with scopula entire, tarsi IV divided by a wide band of setae (fig.
Scopula: Metatarsi I, distal L, scopuliform hair intermixed with few bristles and hair but no clear division; tarsi I, full, division with 2-3 rows of hairs; metatarsi II, distal half, division with 2-3 rows of setae; tarsi II, full divided with single row of hairs; metatarsi III, 1/4 distal, divided with 3-4 rows of bristles and spines; tarsi III-IV, full, divided with 5-6 rows of setae; metatarsi IV, few scopuliform hairs 1/4 distally, intermixed with spines and bristles.