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scale 1

a. One of the many small hard dermal or epidermal structures that characteristically form the external covering of fishes and reptiles and certain mammals, such as pangolins.
b. A similar part in other animals, such as one of the thin flat overlapping structures that cover the wings of butterflies and moths.
2. A small, thin, often flattened plant structure, such as one of the modified leaves that cover a tree bud or one of the structures that bear the reproductive organs on the cones of a conifer.
a. A dry thin flake of epidermis shed from the skin.
b. A skin lesion or lesions marked by such flakes.
a. A scale insect.
b. A plant disease or infestation caused by scale insects.
a. A flaky oxide film formed on a metal, as on iron, that has been heated to high temperatures.
b. A flake of rust.
6. A hard mineral coating that forms on the inside surface of boilers, kettles, and other containers in which water is repeatedly heated.
v. scaled, scal·ing, scales
1. To clear or strip of scale or scales: Scale and clean the fish.
2. To remove in layers or scales: scaled off the old paint.
3. To cover with scales; encrust.
4. To throw or propel (a thin flat object) through the air or along a surface, such as water or ice.
5. Dentistry To remove (tartar) from tooth surfaces with a pointed instrument.
6. Australian
a. To cheat; swindle.
b. To ride on (a tram, for example) without paying the fare.
1. To come off in scales or layers; flake.
2. To become encrusted.

[Middle English, from Old French escale, husk, shell, influenced in meaning by Old French escaille, scale of a fish or reptile (both of Germanic origin; see skel- in Indo-European roots).]

scale′like adj.

scale 2

a. A system of ordered marks at fixed intervals used as a reference standard in measurement: a ruler whose scale is in inches.
b. An instrument or device bearing such marks.
c. A standard of measurement or judgment; a criterion.
a. A proportion used in determining the dimensional relationship of a representation to that which it represents: a world map with a scale of 1:4,560,000.
b. A calibrated line, as on a map or an architectural plan, indicating such a proportion.
c. Proper proportion: a house that seemed out of scale with its surroundings.
3. A progressive classification, as of size, amount, importance, or rank: judging divers' performances on a scale of 1 to 10.
4. A relative level or degree: entertained on a lavish scale.
5. A minimum wage fixed by contract: musicians playing a benefit concert for scale.
6. Mathematics A system of notation in which the values of numerical expressions are determined by their places relative to the chosen base of the system: the decimal scale.
7. Music An ascending or descending collection of pitches proceeding by a specified scheme of intervals.
v. scaled, scal·ing, scales
1. To climb up or over; ascend: scaled the peak.
2. To make in accord with a particular proportion or scale: Scale the model to be one tenth of actual size.
3. To alter according to a standard or by degrees; adjust in calculated amounts: scaled down their demands; scaled back the scheduled pay increase.
4. To estimate or measure the quantity of lumber in (logs or uncut trees).
1. To climb; ascend.
2. To rise in steps or stages.

[Middle English, from Latin scālae, ladder; see skand- in Indo-European roots.]

scal′a·ble adj.

scale 3

1. An instrument or machine for weighing.
a. often scales See balance.
b. Either of the pans, trays, or dishes of a balance.
v. scaled, scal·ing, scales
To weigh with a scale.
To have a given weight, as determined by a scale: cargo that scales 11 tons.

[Middle English, bowl, balance, from Old Norse skāl; see skel- in Indo-European roots.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. capable of being scaled or climbed
2. (Telecommunications) computing (of a network) able to be expanded to cope with increased use
ˈscalableness n
ˈscalably adv
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈskeɪ lə bəl)

capable of being scaled.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.scalable - capable of being scaled; possible to scale; "the scalable slope of a mountain"
unclimbable, unscalable - incapable of being ascended
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


[ˈskeɪləbəl] adj (COMPUTING) [network, technology, computing] → extensible
scalable font → police f à taille variable
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
References in periodicals archive ?
We aim to leverage on our leading drug discovery capability to scalably participate in our customers' early stage R&D activities, thereby driving and capitalizing the value of our customers' intellectual property.
Walter Lasecki (University of Michigan) discussed projects using real-time crowdsourcing to rapidly and scalably generate training data for computer vision systems.
Armed with this intelligence, sales managers can more effectively and scalably coach their teams.
"Our micromanufacturing units make it easy to scalably produce Bioperoxide when and where it is needed, reducing the long-term risks associated with storing and transporting hydrogen peroxide."
And, again, this is not charity; it's all based on trying to define the needs of villagers, identify what they're able and willing to pay for, and then find ways to deliver products and services to the villages profitably and scalably.