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adj. salt·i·er, salt·i·est
1. Of, containing, or seasoned with salt.
2. Suggestive of the sea or sailing life.
3. Witty; pungent; earthy: salty humor.

salt′i·ly adv.
salt′i·ness n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(ˈsɔl ti)

adj. salt•i•er, salt•i•est.
1. tasting of or containing salt; saline.
2. piquant; sharp; witty.
3. racy or coarse: salty humor.
4. of the sea or sailing.
salt′i•ly, adv.
salt′i•ness, n.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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If you want a saltier variety, the buttered version or the salted binatog might be for you.
A Dumfries High School pupil received a Leonard Cheshire Outstanding Achievement Award and a 50 hours Saltier award recently after he took part in a'CanDo'project at the school last year.
Bordering Israel and Jordan, it is 10 times saltier than the open sea, meaning fish and mammals cannot live in it.
'People don't want to purchase the water from Boeung Prek Tup anymore because it has become saltier. Even hotels that used to buy water from me to wash their dishes don't want to buy it anymore because they are afraid the salt water will ruin their dishes,' he said.
SOME VEGETARIAN FOODS ARE 'SALTIER THAN THE SEA' MORE than a quarter of meat-free burgers, sausages and mince exceed maximum recommended salt levels, a report by Action on Salt says, with the worst offenders being Vegetarians: watch your saltier than water from the Atlantic ocean.
SOME VEGETARIAN FOODS ARE 'SALTIER THAN THE SEA' MORE than a quarter of meat-free burgers, sausages and mince exceed maximum recommended salt levels, a Vegetarians: watch your salt report by Action on Salt says, with the worst offenders being saltier than water from the Atlantic ocean.
SOME VEGETARIAN FOODS ARE 'SALTIER THAN THE SEA' MORE than a quarter of meat-free burgers, sausages and mince exceed maximum recommended Vegetarians: watch your salt levels, a report by Action on Salt says, with the worst offenders being saltier than water from the Atlantic ocean.
There, ocean waters interact with the atmosphere, land, and sun--becoming warmer or colder, and fresher or saltier.
Pret chef's Italian chicken salad is saltier than four bags of Walkers, while Subway's BMT provides 33% of your daily saturated fat and 1.9 grams of salt.
The broth served with the dish is a bit on the mild side, which isn't a bad thing because, unlike the saltier and MSG-laden variants, the yong tau foo here doesn't leave you feeling extremely thirsty.
Wolf adds that spring holidays are accompanied by family gatherings where dietary precautions are sometimes overlooked, including ingestion of saltier foods that can make the high blood pressure patient and heart patient more susceptible to trouble.