

adj, -lier or -liest
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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When I'm old enough to earn money, I'm going to have a dress like this leaf, all ruby color--thin, you know, with a sweeping train and ruffly, curly edges; then I think I'll have a brown sash like the trunk of the tree, and where could I be green?
Ruffly speaking, all three would cost PS100-PS140 from a dealer.
If soft, ruffly pieces aren't your thing, go for something light but brighter in a sturdy material.
MPs in the House of Representatives expressed their outrage over Sherin's statements, asking her for an apology to the ruffly 1.8 million Muslims in Egypt and around the world.
Caption: OPPOSITE, CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT: The twins' first party outfits were pink smocked dresses and ruffly bonnets.
Another one is the Lumy Sandals, a strappy gladiator sandal that is fashionably cool and comfortable; the Bumble Leather Sandals, a superfine and feminine slide inspired by the unique cut-out pattern of bumble bee wings; and the Florrie Superballerina, a close-toe variation on the vampy and ruffly Florrie.
Her first year was a pink princess outfit made from a ruffly dress and slip I wore as a little girl.
The latter works well for slim body types, because you're going to need a strapless bra, while ruffly frocks show off an hourglass figure to perfection.
The ruffly mauve Chanel creation is both modern and classic, edgy and commercial, and the tone is beautiful for her coloring.
Get a head start on the trend with this ruffly beaut y, PS125, from French Connection's Dayton Lace collection, a blouse that's boho enough to fit summer's Seventies vibe too (available May 19;
Big glasses, ruffly collar (made from a dollar-store doily or one of those bobby-pinnable old-lady-head-covering thingies from the cheap yarmulke box in your shul), oversized black robe (a black dress from your wardrobe or a large black T-shirt, depending on size of kid, will do), plastic hammer from the toy bench as a gavel stand-in and boom, you dissenting goddess you.