

vb (tr)
to track again
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This has led to a set of SSA systems which intermittently must reacquire and retrack objects.
In the 21st century, new nature writers have sought to retrack and rewild.
"Having guidance readily available to youth means we are under less pressure to figure life out by ourselves, and if we do make a wrong turn, that would be OK, because guidance would help us retrack," Zovighian said.
When rocks get wedged in the traditional wing pulley, it causes major tracking problems --and trying to retrack a belt causes considerable downtime, and potential damage to a very expensive belt," he said.
Firstly we select hand detection from candidates by matching to the initial/updated model, in case any failure occurred as introduced in Figures 3, 4, or 5, we recover and retrack the hand with template matching to give positive detections.
Mr Raja's son, Amjad, 42, said after the case: "We don't understand why three key prosecution witnesses decided to retrack or decline to give evidence at the trial."
The beat-tracking algorithm was integrated into an interactive computer program that takes a piece of music (a sound file); tries to track the beat; (7) displays its beat hypotheses visually on the screen (figure 4); allows the user to listen to selected parts of the tracked piece and modify the beat hypothesis by adding, deleting, or moving beat indicators; and then attempts to retrack the piece based on the updated information.
The logical variable RECALL should be included if, after the first call, POLSYS_PLP is being called again to retrack a selected set of curves.
I looked for a stairway to the avenue level but discovered I'd reached a dead end and had to hurriedly retrack all the way to the point of my original descent.
In a peculiar inversion, the hospital's attorneys sought to denigrate the Olmsted Heritage Landscapes Act by paying hired guns to retrack Olmsted's past.
Sandwell, DT, Smith WHF (2009) Global marine gravity from retracked Geosat and ERS-I altimetry: Ridge Segmentation versus spreading rate.