
(redirected from reawoke)
Related to reawoke: rewoke, reawakened


vb (intr)
literary to awake again
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
But Princess Mary experienced a painful rather than a joyful feeling- her mental tranquillity was destroyed, and desires, doubts, self-reproach, and hopes reawoke.
O'Sullivan is on the march again in Glasgow RONNIE O'Sullivan reawoke his fighting spirit to reach the quarter-finals of the Scottish Open in Glasgow.
And then I watched the moon's shadow rush away eastwards, dissipating, and the birds and animals reawoke. I had chanced upon a unique eclipse experience, a darkness upon a darkness, that I have never again witnessed.
Before the terror attacks in Paris and Belgium reawoke the tensions that we have all lived with since 9/11, fear of immigration was a far less visceral thing than it became over the course of the last year.
Thus, Christians reawoke to the Jewish origins of Christianity: that Jesus was born, lived, and died a Jew; that the first Christians were Jews; indeed, is it too bold to suggest that the New Testament is primarily a collection of Jewish writings?
The 1960s removed moral codes that were once firmly embedded in Britishness and, even as the end of empire reawoke questions about union in Scotland and Wales, the European Union emerged to suggest an alternative model for the future.
And, like many people of her advanced years, she has - or had - belongings that reawoke those memories.
His first mention of jealousy in fact reveals that it had bedeviled him even before he was married: "[...] the torments of jealousy reawoke in me: they continued to plague me throughout the whole of my married life[...]" (66, my emphasis; see also 79); and later in his story he refers to "similar attacks of jealousy I'd had previously" (105).
Just when I didn't think I need an uplift from my life, reading this book reawoke in me my need to give in order to get.
I think that's one of the things that reawoke in me the passion for the culinary world."