References in periodicals archive ?
hypopitys plastid genome and its comparison with that of photosynthetic relative Pyrola rotundifolia indicated that this plant is at the final stages of plastome degradation, which is expressed in highly reduced size and content, dramatic structural rearrangements, and acceleration of nucleotide substitutions in all protein-coding genes [74-76].
Rong et al., "Therapeutic effects of radix dipsaci, pyrola herb, and Cynomorium songaricum on bone metabolism of ovariectomized rats," BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, vol.
Duan et al., "Preparation and determination ofphenolic compounds from Pyrola incarnata, Fisch.
IV P Seeding treatment: Seeded: Equisetum arvense 0.72 0.004 Parnassia palustris 0.66 0.006 Salix alaxensis 0.65 0.004 Hedysarum alpinum 0.60 0.005 Festuca rubra' 0.46 0.016 Artemisia tilesii 0.38 0.040 Unseeded: Equisetum variegatum 0.45 0.046 Calamagrostis lapponica 0.42 0.012 Zones: Cap: Arctagrostis latifolia 0.71 < 0.001 Lomatogonium rotatum 0.57 0.018 Oxytropis deflexa 0.63 0.005 Parnassia palustris 0.52 0.027 Pyrola grandiflora 0.57 0.019 Salix alaxensis 0.62 0.004 Perimeter:--none Undisturbed:--none (1) Seeded species.
Cirsium oleraceum Cirsium palustre Deschampsia caespitosa + Drosera rotundifolia Epilobium adenocaulon Epilobium angustifolium + Epilobium hirsutum Epilobium montanum Eriophomm vaginatum + + + + Galinsoga ciliata Lycopodium annolinum Melampyrum pratense + Mycelis muralis Orthilia secunda Oxycoccus palustris + Poa trivialis Pteridium aquilinum + Pyrola rotundifolia Rubus chamaemorus Senecio vulgaris Taraxacum spp.
Chameophytes of the area included Bergenia stracheyi, Scabiosa speciosa, Epilobium laxum, Potentilla salesoviana, Bistorta affinis, Pyrola secunda, Nepeta kokanica.
In Ericaceae monosymmetry with sigmoid curvature of the pollination organs occurs in Pyrola and Rhododendron (Stevens et al., 2004).
Gandhi interpreted as being formed from the genus Pyrola, genitive form Pyrolae, has been made in IPNI by Gandhi in 2008 (pers.