

1. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) in favour of or supporting the constitutional union between two or more countries
2. (Industrial Relations & HR Terms) in favour of or supporting the trades union movement
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Last night there were tensions again on the streets of Barcelona as police battled to keep hundreds of independence supporters and around 70 prounion demonstrators apart.
That was by far the largest prounion show of force in Catalonia in recent years, in contrast to huge rallies by separatists.
Increasingly, too, school board races have attracted attention and funding from political organizations, such as the prounion and procharter school groups that made the recent Los Angeles school board election the most expensive in history.
So in a 2014 election, Americans for Prosperity--the main political arm of the Koch brothers--got involved in the school board race, in which two seats held by vocally prounion members were up for grabs.
Returning to the labor law example, suppose a prounion policy shift has the effect of bringing previously disfranchised voters to the polls and thereby pulling partisan and policy support closer to majoritarian political preferences.
Yet Geohegan is passionately prounion. Organized labor is "the only thing that can save us"--but the next labor movement will have to adapt to the economic changes of the past 40 years, including the resurgence of the corporate right in politics, and the increasing individualism in American culture.
Mr Darling, who led the proUnion Better Together campaign that resulted in greater powers agreed for the Scottish Parliament, is expected to urge regional leaders to remain focused and united in keeping up the pressure on the main political parties in the run up to the general election.
(278) Although fruitful in some instances, these efforts were generally unsuccessful because the specter of organized labor "disturbed lawmakers." (279) Prounion lobbyists, however, gained serious traction in petitioning Congress for labor reform in 1928.
Another poll, by YouGov for The Times and the Sun, gave the prounion campaign a slightly larger lead, putting the No vote at 52% and Yes on 48%.
It comes after the leaders of the three main prounion parties in Scotland joined forces to pledge more powers for Scotland if voters reject independence.
Rose said: "I am very much proUnion. "I feel that Alex Salmond is blinded by his passion and can't quite see just how fantastic we have it at the moment.
Through it, folk singers such as Woody Guthrie and Pete Seeger found work by composing and singing prounion songs with progressive social messages.