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n, pl pipi or pipis
(Animals) any of various shellfishes, esp Plebidonax deltoides of Australia or Mesodesma novae-zelandiae of New Zealand
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Pipi warms to my calls, and responds with affection.
Lately, Lawrence was (http://www.ibtimes.com/jennifer-lawrence-rocks-sexy-casual-ensemble-she-steps-out-pet-dog-2556958) spotted with Pipi .
Northtec nursing lecturer Pipi Barton is at far right and Te Runanga o Te Tai Tokerau NZNO representative Margaret Hand is front left.
To understand the potential risk for spread of Zika virus in temperate US states, we compared the relative abilities of Culex pipi ens and Ae.
The book tells the story of Pipi, an adventurous pink-furred monkey, who leaves the safety of his home in the forest of Hullabaloo after he accidentally loses his tail and is too embarrassed to face his family.
My guide was Pipi Lovell-Smith from New Zealand who has just completed the first year of the two-year course (first and second year students are represented in the exhibition along with three PhD students).
Pipi's is called The Perilous Cliff and it features a video shot in the North East and Switzerland where she ventured earlier this year on a Bartlett Travel Scholarship.
Not a little frustrated, the clean-up crew renamed the maintenance fee from prime de feu to prime de "pipi. " The avant-garde of dance has always left its messes.