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having no peak, without a peak
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Long-acting insulin analogues such as glargine (Glar), detemir (Det), and degludec (Deg) were developed to mimic the peakless and continuous kinetic profile of physiologic basal insulin secretion.
Alpetragius is a peakless, smooth-walled, 40-km-wide crater that might once have looked like Aristarchus.
There was little other difference in appearance; he wore the same peasant clothing, the only military emblems being his round peakless cap with the Yugoslav double eagle and the German automatic pistol in his belt; he wore the same beard, the symbol of sorrow and resistance, which concealed much of his face and his age.
odd) thread is layered in terms of pattern avoidance, and we give a constructive bijection between the set of permutations of length n which are both even threads and odd threads and the set of peakless Motzkin paths of length n + 1.