
Also found in: Legal.
Related to oyer: oyez


1. (Historical Terms) English legal history (in the 13th century) an assize
2. (Historical Terms) (formerly) the reading out loud of a document in court
3. (Historical Terms) See oyer and terminer
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Deal and Oyer 1991, Gampel and Ferreira 2017, Goy et al.
We reached the targeted ridge in just oyer five hours, and immediately changed out of our drenched climbing clothes into dry woolen base layers to avoid the inevitable wind chill that follows such an arduous climb.
Gretchen was born November 7, 1948 in Buffalo, NY to the late Harold and Winifred, nee Oyer, Ludwig and passed peacefully on January 8, 2019 at her home.
We're planning two more years of follow-up to see if the effect strengthens or if it weakens oyer time.
Allied seeks oyer of its full website found at www.alliedcash.com.
His disembodied voice, frequently heard oyer the telephone as played in the movie "Spotlight" by actor Richard Jenkins, advised journalists about both the inside workings of the church and how sex abusers were able to infiltrate its ministries.
Companies also face concerns oyer issues such as prototyping lead times.
There is no one best way to incentivize employees, say US business professors Michael Mazzeo, Paul Oyer and Scott Schaeffer, authors of 'The Roadside MBA.'
Fry paste and chiles oyer medium heat, stirring, until.
Umno's Datuk Jainab Ahmad is defending her seat against Azhar, Asper Oyer from PAS and Ahsim Jamat from SAPP while Datuk Johnny Goh is the BN candidate for Inanam, facing PKR's Kenny Chua, Jakariah Janit from Parti Kebangsaan Sabah, John Stephen Dionysius from SAPP, Terence Tsen from Parti Kerjasama Anak Negeri, and independent Situl Mintow.
Hvide and Paul Oyer tease out specific benefits of exposure to industry knowledge over the course of childhood, as opposed to those that result from a father's later introduction to industry connections.
Hall has addressed the question in two papers, the first with Princeton economist and one-time Uber consultant Alan Krueger, and the second in 2018 with economists Cody Cook, Rebecca Diamond, John List and Paul Oyer.