
Also found in: Medical, Encyclopedia.


(Biology) biology a type of cell present in glands
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99mTc-MIBI scintigraphy of parathyroid adenomas and its relation to tumour size and oxyphil cell abundance.
In other cases, as is alluded to above, the sex cord tumor with annular tubules evolves into a confluent overgrowth of cells with Sertoli characteristics (Figure 11, C) having a diffuse growth of oxyphil cells or in some cases, tubules typical of the so-called lipid-rich Sertoli cell tumor.
Hurthle cells, also known as oxyphil cells, can be observed in thyroid pathologies both benign and malignant.
The positive effect of adenoma weight and oxyphil cell content on preoperative localization with [sup.99m]Tc-sestamibi scanning for primary hyperparathyroidism.
Functional significance of oxyphil cell is still a controversy.
The adenoma was composed mainly of chief cells and oxyphil cells, covered with a fibrous capsule (Figure 2(a)).
Increases in both perfusion and functional activity and targeting of abundant mitochondria-rich oxyphil cells seem to be relevant mechanisms of uptake.
Oncocytoma, also known as oxyphil adenoma is an uncommon benign tumour accounting for 1% of all benign tumours of the parotid.
Because of the correlation between the number of oxyphil cells and abnormal parathyroid tissue visualization in sestamibi scintigraphy, it rarely yields positive results for PCs.
Considering the extremely high PTH values parathyroid carcinoma was suspected, but the histological examination found an encapsulated, cellular, homogenous lesion, composed of chief cells with some oxyphil cells in a delicate capillary network, with minimal mitotic activity.
He recognized for the first time the "oxyphil" cell, which he distinguished clearly from the predominant "principal" or "chief' cell.
Oxyphil parathyroid carcinomas: a clinicopathologic and immunohistochemical study of 10 cases.