
(redirected from onloaded)


 (ŏn′lōd′, ôn′-)
v. on·load·ed, on·load·ing, on·loads
To load (a vehicle or container).
To load a vehicle or container.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


vb (tr)
(Computer Science) computing to load (files) on to a computer
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
For example, our distribution centers have paved areas that include private roads to enter the facilities, areas for truck and equipment parking, and dock spaces so that inbound freight trailers can be offloaded and freight on outbound trucks can be onloaded. Invoicing for general repairs and snow removal are for the entire paved area.
NAVSUP FLC Pearl Harbor's ocean terminal division onloaded 205 pieces of Army equipment and cargo onto commercial vessel Ocean Jazz, June 10-12.
BIS will generally authorize vessels to transport authorized cargo from the United States to Cuba and then sail to other countries with any remaining cargo that was onloaded in the United States.
"We will not allow those ships to bring arms to the city and then to evacuate some criminals," he said, after an International Organization for Migration ship on Wednesday offloaded supplies and onloaded refugees at the city's port amid shelling by Qaddafi forces.
At the next port visit in Eemshaven, The Netherlands, American Tern pulled pierside, where she offloaded 287 containers and onloaded 395 for return.
The total onloaded and unloaded cargo at Muscat International Airport rose by 10 per cent to 63,762 tons during the year 2009 as compared to 57,788 during 2008.
During the exercise, CRW Airmen onloaded and offloaded more than 1,500 passengers and 75 short tons of cargo and equipment.
We brought the helicopter to a hover and covered the boat crews with our machine gun as they onloaded Olympias' crew members, who faced the difficult task of climbing down a 40-foot ladder in the middle of the night into a pitching boat only slightly larger than a Boston Whaler.
The Navy defines illegal dumping as "the intentional disposition of wastes generated ashore or materials onloaded for the express purpose of disposal at sea." The only legal way to dispose of any kind of waste at sea is through a permit from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
The town got its name from trains that, until 1933, onloaded cream, milk, and butter from storage in the Creamery Building.
Essex (LHD 2), anchored off the coast of Pohang, Korea, onloaded more than 900 members of the 3d Marine Expeditionary Force who were stranded there by typhoon Rusa.