

(Literary & Literary Critical Terms) a literary work that is not a novel
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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found to be nonnovel or obvious, then the defendant will prevail in
nonnovel. (94) If several related references disclose every element of
A prominent kind of nonnovel social innovation is captured in the concept of positive deviance.
This provision, which recognizes long-standing and thus arguably nonnovel claims as protectable, overcomes the novelty bar that previously prevented indigenous communities from obtaining patent protection over their knowledge.
Copyright law excludes ideas; (8) patent law excludes laws of nature; (9) and both doctrines exclude nonnovel and nonoriginal works.
If so, could Trinko have made his claim nonnovel simply by alleging in his complaint that Verizon was supplying other new entrants with the same network elements it was allegedly refusing to supply AT&T?
Thus, although the additional information augments the database and can be useful to a discovery program, it also increases the redundancy and the number of nonnovel patterns in the database, which can make it difficult to identify the interesting discoveries and can lead to overfitting (Mitchell 1997).
Broadbent (1979) assumed that continuous, nonnovel stimuli will rail to distract.
Recently, Engeland, Nielsen, Kavaliers, and Ossenkop (2001) conducted two experiments of behavioral tolerance and examined LPS-induced changes in variables including body weight and numerous forms of locomotor activity in novel and nonnovel environments.
Odd mirroring, full of distortions: the American author identifies himself explicitly with his character, Henry Miller, declares him to be nonfictional in a nonnovel, yet adopts the fictional Moravagine as his model.
The drawback of method XC is the need for a two-stage coding process when the symbol is not novel--one step to transmit the information "not novel" (probability i - [t.sub.1]/t), and a second to indicate which nonnovel symbol it is (probability [c.sub.i]/t).