
(redirected from nonlabor)


(ˌnɒnˈleɪbə) or


(Industrial Relations & HR Terms) not relating to or concerned with work
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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In the absence of dependent benefits, a wife faces a budget constraint of MQPH; the slope is the net wage rate, and the vertical portion HT is nonlabor income.
The Berkeley Besearch Group LLC of Emeryville, California, said in its four-page letter, which was marked "Proprietary & Confidential," that the nonprofit could save between $6 million and $8.1 million annually by focusing on five areas, including nonlabor expenses and its physician practice management.
His choices are assumed to be constrained by a linear budget constraint: p x Q = w x H + y where p stands for the prices of commodities he consumes, w is take-home hourly earnings, and y is nonlabor income.
Unit nonlabor payments 120.6 121.8 124.7 120.3 123.0
Include labor expenses of wages, payroll taxes and benefits, including Social Security, Medicare, state and federal unemployment taxes, workers' compensation insurance, health insurance and retirement plans; nonlabor expenses, including rent, utilities, supplies, equipment maintenance and business insurance; startup expenses, including license and legal fees, remodeling, advertising and promotions; and projected cash flow.
We find that between 1973 and 2008 family income volatility rose by 38 percent, primarily as a result of higher volatility of husbands earnings and non means-tested nonlabor income.
We describe a simple model to demonstrate that the effects of wage and nonlabor income on labor supply typically differ by location.
The big news in June was that Quebec virtually doubled its fiscal incentives, and then the province of Ontario also announced it will rebate a percentage of nonlabor spends (see main story, at right).
Typically, 35% of a long-term care facility's operating costs are nonlabor; however, since the average facility size is 100 beds, it becomes cost prohibitive to implement centralized purchasing systems to monitor and control supplies and their expenses.