
(redirected from niellos)
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n. pl. ni·el·li (-ĕl′ē) or ni·el·los
1. Any of several black metallic alloys of sulfur with copper, silver, or lead, used to fill an incised design on the surface of another metal.
2. A surface or object decorated with one of these alloys.
3. The art or process of ornamenting metal surfaces with one of these alloys.
tr.v. ni·el·loed, ni·el·lo·ing, ni·el·los
To decorate or inlay with niello.

[Italian, from Medieval Latin nigellum, from neuter of Latin nigellus, diminutive of niger, black; see nekw-t- in Indo-European roots.]

ni·el′list n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


n, pl -li (-lɪ) or -los
1. (Art Terms) a black compound of sulphur and silver, lead, or copper used to incise a design on a metal surface
2. (Art Terms) the process of decorating surfaces with niello
3. (Art Terms) a surface or object decorated with niello
vb, -los, -loing or -loed
(Art Terms) (tr) to decorate or treat with niello
[C19: from Italian from Latin nigellus blackish, from niger black]
niˈellist n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(niˈɛl oʊ)

n., pl. -el•li (-ˈɛl i)

v. -el•loed, -el•lo•ing. n.
1. a black metallic substance, consisting of silver, copper, lead, and sulfur, with which an incised design or ground is filled to create an ornamental effect on metal.
2. ornamental work so created.
3. to decorate with niello.
[1810–20; < Italian]
ni•el′list, n.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: nielloed
Gerund: nielloing

I niello
you niello
he/she/it niellos
we niello
you niello
they niello
I nielloed
you nielloed
he/she/it nielloed
we nielloed
you nielloed
they nielloed
Present Continuous
I am nielloing
you are nielloing
he/she/it is nielloing
we are nielloing
you are nielloing
they are nielloing
Present Perfect
I have nielloed
you have nielloed
he/she/it has nielloed
we have nielloed
you have nielloed
they have nielloed
Past Continuous
I was nielloing
you were nielloing
he/she/it was nielloing
we were nielloing
you were nielloing
they were nielloing
Past Perfect
I had nielloed
you had nielloed
he/she/it had nielloed
we had nielloed
you had nielloed
they had nielloed
I will niello
you will niello
he/she/it will niello
we will niello
you will niello
they will niello
Future Perfect
I will have nielloed
you will have nielloed
he/she/it will have nielloed
we will have nielloed
you will have nielloed
they will have nielloed
Future Continuous
I will be nielloing
you will be nielloing
he/she/it will be nielloing
we will be nielloing
you will be nielloing
they will be nielloing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been nielloing
you have been nielloing
he/she/it has been nielloing
we have been nielloing
you have been nielloing
they have been nielloing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been nielloing
you will have been nielloing
he/she/it will have been nielloing
we will have been nielloing
you will have been nielloing
they will have been nielloing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been nielloing
you had been nielloing
he/she/it had been nielloing
we had been nielloing
you had been nielloing
they had been nielloing
I would niello
you would niello
he/she/it would niello
we would niello
you would niello
they would niello
Past Conditional
I would have nielloed
you would have nielloed
he/she/it would have nielloed
we would have nielloed
you would have nielloed
they would have nielloed
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
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