
(redirected from Murrine)
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(ˈmʌraɪn; -ɪn) or


(Archaeology) Also: myrrhine of or relating to an unknown substance used in ancient Rome to make vases, cups, etc
(Archaeology) Also: murra the substance so used
[C16: from Latin murr(h)inus belonging to murra]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
"Bring in patterned textiles in bold Arabesque Cobalt wallpaper, PS195 per roll; Lino Modules sofa upholstered in Reticello Cobalt fabric, PS4,845; cushions (left to right) Cellini Cobalt cushion, PS100; Iridato Sky cushion, PS72; Brera Lino Marine cushion, PS60, and Murrine Delft cushion, PS66, all from Designers Guild ( indigo blue and white, such as curtains or rugs, to give a space an instant lift, and accessorise with lanterns, tray tables, floor cushions for an Eastern feel."
The specialty of Murano glass lies in its exceptional glassmaking techniques that comprise Chalcedony, Avventurina, Murrine, Sbruffi, fused glass, lampwork, filigrana, cold glass cut, bullicante, sommerso, and so on.
For the Roman murrine pieces that Scarpa made with Paolo Venini, he turned back to the mosaic glass of antiquity; thin tesserae of sliced glass canes were hot-welded into a bumpy glass fabric that was then modelled into bowls, plates and vases (Fig.