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a Scottish word for many
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References in classic literature ?
"Ye wull no be findun' mony Island McGill folk stoppun' un Ameruky?"
'Now, munuster, ye wull be jokun',' but tull humself, oz I've heard hum tell mony a time, he uz wonderun' thot the munuster should a- took tull whusky ot hus time o' life.
An' wuth thot he tells them the whole upshot, an' Albert puts on hus shoe, an' they go wuth the munuster an' are married proper an' lawful, an' oz Albert Mahan says afterward mony's the time, ''Tus no every mon thot hoz two weddun' nights on Island McGill.'"
Mony the time, I see hum watchun' of ut around a corner, lookun' ot ut tull hus eyes fair bulged wuth the horror; an' when ut brayed old Tom ud stuck hus fungers tull hus ears an' look thot miserable I could a-puttied hum.
Jennet Clouston and mony mair that he has harried out of house and hame.
"I believe," she said, "I was quite mista'en in my thoughts of you: but there is so mony cheats goes about, you mun forgie me."
We twa hae run about the braes, And pu'd the gowans fine; But we've wander'd mony a weary foot, Sin auld lang syne.
He wandered far from the accustomed haunts of boys, and sought desolate places that were in har- mony with his spirit.
With the boy as a witness, he went through a cere- mony and brought about an accident that nearly de- stroyed the companionship that was growing up between them.
"Near to the top, these two centuries, as the testi- mony goeth, brought down to us through our prede- cessors."
Michaels, and two or three others, performed the marriage cere- mony, and gave us a certificate, of which the fol- lowing is an exact copy:--
Earlier this week RT, the Russian government-funded television network that produced the documentary on the alleged sale of young women's virginity, wrote a letter to the Cambodian embassy in Moscow, expressing its concern over Rott Mony's detention.