
Also found in: Legal.


vb, -pleads, -pleading, -pleaded, -plead (-ˈplɛd) or -pled
(Law) (tr) to plead incorrectly
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


Past participle: mispleaded/mispled
Gerund: mispleading

I misplead
you misplead
he/she/it mispleads
we misplead
you misplead
they misplead
I mispleaded/mispled
you mispleaded/mispled
he/she/it mispleaded/mispled
we mispleaded/mispled
you mispleaded/mispled
they mispleaded/mispled
Present Continuous
I am mispleading
you are mispleading
he/she/it is mispleading
we are mispleading
you are mispleading
they are mispleading
Present Perfect
I have mispleaded/mispled
you have mispleaded/mispled
he/she/it has mispleaded/mispled
we have mispleaded/mispled
you have mispleaded/mispled
they have mispleaded/mispled
Past Continuous
I was mispleading
you were mispleading
he/she/it was mispleading
we were mispleading
you were mispleading
they were mispleading
Past Perfect
I had mispleaded/mispled
you had mispleaded/mispled
he/she/it had mispleaded/mispled
we had mispleaded/mispled
you had mispleaded/mispled
they had mispleaded/mispled
I will misplead
you will misplead
he/she/it will misplead
we will misplead
you will misplead
they will misplead
Future Perfect
I will have mispleaded/mispled
you will have mispleaded/mispled
he/she/it will have mispleaded/mispled
we will have mispleaded/mispled
you will have mispleaded/mispled
they will have mispleaded/mispled
Future Continuous
I will be mispleading
you will be mispleading
he/she/it will be mispleading
we will be mispleading
you will be mispleading
they will be mispleading
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been mispleading
you have been mispleading
he/she/it has been mispleading
we have been mispleading
you have been mispleading
they have been mispleading
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been mispleading
you will have been mispleading
he/she/it will have been mispleading
we will have been mispleading
you will have been mispleading
they will have been mispleading
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been mispleading
you had been mispleading
he/she/it had been mispleading
we had been mispleading
you had been mispleading
they had been mispleading
I would misplead
you would misplead
he/she/it would misplead
we would misplead
you would misplead
they would misplead
Past Conditional
I would have mispleaded/mispled
you would have mispleaded/mispled
he/she/it would have mispleaded/mispled
we would have mispleaded/mispled
you would have mispleaded/mispled
they would have mispleaded/mispled
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
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References in periodicals archive ?
Turkish Industrialists' & Businessmen's Association (TUSIAD) pointed out the misplead and violations.
looking in the direction of equitable relief," but had framed the claim "as one for damages." (212) In other words, the court was faced with a claim for restitution by way of constructive trust that had been mispleaded as a tort claim for damages.