
Also found in: Medical, Idioms.


a middle-aged person
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Q: As a midlifer job hunter, I applied for a position described in a recruitment ad that seemed perfect for my talents and experience.
Helming duo Alfonso Albacete and David Menkes definitively turn their backs on their early glare/camp work with "Between Living and Dreaming," an enjoyably silly, thoroughly mainstream, comedy romancer in which a midlifer tries to prove teenage love can be revived 30 years on.
The comedy 'Sink or Swim' (2018), starring Amalric as a believably pathetic unemployed, clinically depressed midlifer who joins a men's synchronized swim team, establishes that a square peg trying to fit in a round hole-and vice versa-isn't so very impossible.
He's also a midlifer deep inside a creative funk that he purges through recollections of his dark past, which mirrors the darkness that befell the Balkan nations when Stalin was appeased at Yalta.
'C'E Tempo'-This buddy movie is about a midlifer and a young nerd who take a journey together along the Italian highways.
Beleaguered fathers, eccentric midlifers, woke teenage girls from the projects-the French Film Festival returns for month-long screenings of, to borrow the words of Ambassador Nicolas Galey, alternative cinema that reflects on the human condition in society.
It's the place I now call home; the place where I get to help other midlifers reframe their mind-set and imagine how they can repurpose their mastery.
We'd say that's nonsense - and as this current wave of midlifers has shown, times have changed: Midlife is where the action is.
Lancaster's approach to midlife will have fellow midlifers laughing and relating to her experiences while black and white photos throughout enhance her stories and lively adventures.
Through the 1990s and the new millennium, the proportion of midlifers in the low affordability category increased steadily from 5% in 1988 to 19% in 2007 (Ministry of Social Development, 2008).