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Related to lithia: lithia water, lithium


[New Latin, from lithion, from Greek, diminutive of lithos, stone.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. (Elements & Compounds) another name for lithium oxide
2. (Elements & Compounds) lithium present in mineral waters as lithium salts
[C19: New Latin, ultimately from Greek lithos stone]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
Sonic Automotive Inc (NYSE:SAH) is good, but Lithia Motors Inc (NYSE:LAD) is even better, said Cramer.
Shift leveraged its preexisting relationship with Oregon-based Lithia Motors Inc.
The analyst, who noted that his estimates are above consensus for all of the traditional dealers in Q2 and for 2019, raised his price target on Group 1 shares to $94 from $67, raised his target on Asbury Automotive (ABG) to $87 from $85, upped his target on AutoNation (AN) to $36 from $27, raised his target on Lithia Motors (LAD) to $128 from $117, increased his target on Sonic Automotive (SAH) to $18 from $10 and keeps a $56 price target on Penske Automotive (PAG).
The two sites are in Mission Viejo and Newport Beach, and they are being sold to Lithia Motors Inc and US Auto Trust LLC respectively.
Both firms initially collaborated for Lithia's physical infrastructure with Shift's digital sales process in northern California.
New Jersey, US-based advisory firm Haig Partners LLC represented the owners of Prestige Family of Fine Cars in the sale of six of their dealerships to Oregon, US-based automotive retailer Lithia Motors, Inc.
Robert Obyrne Quinn of Reno was convicted of the crime that occurred last September at Lithia Park in Ashland.
Carl Authement is the Commercial Fleet manager for Lithia Chrysler Jeep Dodge of Anchorage.
Southern Oregon is also a destination to hike through ancient forests and expansive parks like Ashland's Lithia Park, which dates back to 1892 (recently named one of the top ten Great American Spaces by the American Planning Association), and soak in the therapeutic waters of Lithia Springs.
VISITORS TO ASHLAND, ORE., MAY COME AWAY WITH STRONG impressions of the town's Shakespeare festival or of verdant hikes in Lithia Park.
Jeanne is survived by her husband of 50 years Vincent Filosi, her son Mark Filosi and his wife Mary of Lithia, Florida, her son Scott and his wife Culleen of Milton, GA, and her 5 grandchildren, Zachary, Brandon, Sarah, Tyler, Nicholas and her sister Donna Castellanos.