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a variant spelling of ensphere
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



v.t. -sphered, -spher•ing.
1. to enclose in or as if in a sphere.
2. to form into a sphere.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: insphered
Gerund: insphering

I insphere
you insphere
he/she/it inspheres
we insphere
you insphere
they insphere
I insphered
you insphered
he/she/it insphered
we insphered
you insphered
they insphered
Present Continuous
I am insphering
you are insphering
he/she/it is insphering
we are insphering
you are insphering
they are insphering
Present Perfect
I have insphered
you have insphered
he/she/it has insphered
we have insphered
you have insphered
they have insphered
Past Continuous
I was insphering
you were insphering
he/she/it was insphering
we were insphering
you were insphering
they were insphering
Past Perfect
I had insphered
you had insphered
he/she/it had insphered
we had insphered
you had insphered
they had insphered
I will insphere
you will insphere
he/she/it will insphere
we will insphere
you will insphere
they will insphere
Future Perfect
I will have insphered
you will have insphered
he/she/it will have insphered
we will have insphered
you will have insphered
they will have insphered
Future Continuous
I will be insphering
you will be insphering
he/she/it will be insphering
we will be insphering
you will be insphering
they will be insphering
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been insphering
you have been insphering
he/she/it has been insphering
we have been insphering
you have been insphering
they have been insphering
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been insphering
you will have been insphering
he/she/it will have been insphering
we will have been insphering
you will have been insphering
they will have been insphering
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been insphering
you had been insphering
he/she/it had been insphering
we had been insphering
you had been insphering
they had been insphering
I would insphere
you would insphere
he/she/it would insphere
we would insphere
you would insphere
they would insphere
Past Conditional
I would have insphered
you would have insphered
he/she/it would have insphered
we would have insphered
you would have insphered
they would have insphered
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
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Inspheres. The convex set of two-qubit states possesses an "insphere" of maximum radius.
He organized and managed a general insurance agency in 1986, where he won sales awards from Ohio State Life and InSphere Insurance Solutions for top sales production.
He also served as a senior vice president for Insphere Insurance Solutions, a private equity portfolio company of The Blackstone Group and Goldman 'Sachs, where he reported to the CEO.
"The Aetna app makes a great impression on today's active and educated seniors," said Chantelle Storm, a local agent and district manager for Insphere Insurance Solutions in southern California.
The new company, to be called Insphere Insurance Solutions, would serve the middle market and small businesses.
or insphere. We drew some figures and found that these six planes intersect at a single point and it is the center of the insphere.
and Moynihan Lumber and as Retention Marketing Manager for DirectoryM (now InSphere Inc.).
Three companies were not in the Top 20 last year: Insphere Insurance Solutions at No.