
(redirected from impasted)


tr.v. im·past·ed, im·past·ing, im·pastes
1. To paint by applying thick layers of pigment.
2. Archaic To enclose with or as if with a paste or crust.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(Art Terms) (tr) to apply paint thickly to
[C16: from Italian impastare, from pasta paste1]
impastation n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



v.t. -past•ed, -past•ing. Obs.
to cover with or enclose in a paste.
[1540–50; < Italian impastare. See im-1, paste]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: impasted
Gerund: impasting

I impaste
you impaste
he/she/it impastes
we impaste
you impaste
they impaste
I impasted
you impasted
he/she/it impasted
we impasted
you impasted
they impasted
Present Continuous
I am impasting
you are impasting
he/she/it is impasting
we are impasting
you are impasting
they are impasting
Present Perfect
I have impasted
you have impasted
he/she/it has impasted
we have impasted
you have impasted
they have impasted
Past Continuous
I was impasting
you were impasting
he/she/it was impasting
we were impasting
you were impasting
they were impasting
Past Perfect
I had impasted
you had impasted
he/she/it had impasted
we had impasted
you had impasted
they had impasted
I will impaste
you will impaste
he/she/it will impaste
we will impaste
you will impaste
they will impaste
Future Perfect
I will have impasted
you will have impasted
he/she/it will have impasted
we will have impasted
you will have impasted
they will have impasted
Future Continuous
I will be impasting
you will be impasting
he/she/it will be impasting
we will be impasting
you will be impasting
they will be impasting
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been impasting
you have been impasting
he/she/it has been impasting
we have been impasting
you have been impasting
they have been impasting
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been impasting
you will have been impasting
he/she/it will have been impasting
we will have been impasting
you will have been impasting
they will have been impasting
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been impasting
you had been impasting
he/she/it had been impasting
we had been impasting
you had been impasting
they had been impasting
I would impaste
you would impaste
he/she/it would impaste
we would impaste
you would impaste
they would impaste
Past Conditional
I would have impasted
you would have impasted
he/she/it would have impasted
we would have impasted
you would have impasted
they would have impasted
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
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He points next to a densely impasted abstract painting.
In the paintings made this year Cheung's acrylic paint is heavily impasted and drippy, in contrast to the smooth surface of Technophobia from 2005, the only earlier painting in the show.
For instance, where editors and textual critics find errors arising from illegible handwriting--such as "total guise" for "total gules", "Back't and imparched" for "Baked and impasted", and "Rifted" for "Roasted" (7.347-50)--Thompson and Taylor find plausible readings in all except "Back't" (2006b: 108).
Crests of impasted paint catch the light as if to animate the Son of God.
He used a wide range of media - oil, acrylic, ink, wax crayon, egg yolk and vinegar - to build up richly impasted surfaces of glowing golden light which call the work of the old masters, even Leonardo da Vinci, to mind.
Its richly impasted shimmering surface suggests dappled light, movement and chance encounters offered up by a warm summer evening.
Part of a group consigned to the saleroom by long-time Dallas collectors Nancy Lee and Perry Bass, this richly impasted canvas soared over its unpublished estimate to sell for $81.3m, the second highest auction price for the artist.
The artist revolutionised the painted image, using the techniques of watercolour to build up a pictorial surface with layers of thin, translucent colour as well as by touches of impasted pigment.
El Anatsui's Peju's Robe sold for 806,500 [pounds sterling]; the monumental lacquered paper Untitled (Red Fan), the auction debut for a sculpture by Gutai group founding member Kazuo Shiraga, changed hands for 1.5m [pounds sterling]; and Frank Auerbach's lush and deeply impasted 1963 E.O.W.
'In this room is just about all there is of modern and contemporary art,' says Lady Juliet in her bell-like staccato, her dazzling blue eyes moving from the two husbands to the explosion of impasted, fiery colour that is Epstein's Dahlias.
The bisection accounts for the unusual narrow, upright format, its verticality emphasised by the black striped background that intrudes into the pictorial space and offsets Bacon's famously visceral and impasted handling of flesh.
A great, elegiac evening sky casts a soft golden light across the shore, but it is the reflections in the wet sand and the crusty, impasted tracks left by horse and wagon that are the real marvel and they fall into place only when you stand well back from the canvas.