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Related to hexamine: hexamine hippurate


1. (Elements & Compounds) another name for hexamethylenetetramine
2. (Chemistry) a type of fuel produced in small solid blocks or tablets for use in miniature camping stoves
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The findings of Hexamine and uronic acid levels in the granulation tissues of control and experimental wounds are shown in Figure 2.
The PH stands for Phenate Hexamine and came into use in 1915.
Methenamine, also known as hexamethylen- etetramine (HMT) or hexamine is a highly water soluble, non-ionic tetradentate cyclic tertiary amine.
During the search of the lab, (the Russian military) also found thiodiglycol and triethanolamine, which can be used for the production of sulfur and nitrogen mustard, as well as hexamine," Kirillov said.
Two compounds in the Ghouta sample matched those also found in Khan Sheikhoun, one formed from sarin and the stabiliser hexamine and another specific fluorophosphate that appears during sarin production, the tests showed.
Gaur, "The role of metal cations in improving the inhibitive performance of hexamine on the corrosion of steel in hydrochloric acid solution," Corrosion Science, vol.
Others may not seem so dangerous by name alone like cadmium, an active ingredient in batteries, or hexamine, sometimes found in barbecue lighters.
Moscow also questioned the validity of the French claim that the chemical found in the sample - hexamine - was a hallmark of sarin produced by the Syrian government.
To avoid the limb-shedding, live crabs were narcotized first with menthol crystals and then preserved in 10% formalin neutralized with hexamine.
Periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) stain was used to examine the brush border while Gomori's Methenamine Silver method (modified hexamine silver technique) was used to study changes in the basement membrane of the tubules.