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(Aeronautics) aeronautics a temporary impairment of vision due to lack of oxygen
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The stress on his body, including a "grayout" of his eyes, was less than he had experienced in training....
The Split-S required 800 feet, with a peak load of five Gs and significant grayout. Power-Push-Roll, by contrast, required 200 feet.
Captivate 2 has some features I really appreciate, including the timeline, auto captions, branching, the project library, zooming, grayout, and quizzes.
He went on to tell me he was having significant problems with grayout and blackout at relatively low Gs.
The association of alcohol-induced blackouts and grayouts to blood alcohol concentrations.
(84.) Perry PJ, Argo TR, Barnett MJ, et al.The association of alcohol-induced blackouts and grayouts to blood alcohol concentrations.