

a.1.Affected with ennui; weary in spirits; emotionally exhausted.
n.1.One who is affected with ennui.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in classic literature ?
In the meanwhile, Monsieur continued his route with an air at once so melancholy and so majestic, that he certainly would have attracted the attention of spectators, if spectators there had been; but the good citizens of Blois could not pardon Monsieur for having chosen their gay city for an abode in which to indulge melancholy at his ease, and as often as they caught a glimpse of the illustrious ennuye, they stole away gaping, or drew back their heads into the interior of their dwellings, to escape the soporific influence of that long pale face, of those watery eyes, and that languid address; so that the worthy prince was almost certain to find the streets deserted whenever he chanced to pass through them.
Upon my entrance, Usher rose from a sofa on which he had been lying at full length, and greeted me with a vivacious warmth which had much in it, I at first thought, of an overdone cordiality--of the constrained effort of the ennuye man of the world.
Danny Welbeck, deja absent six mois apres une operation au genou gauche, est sorti blesse au genou droit dimanche dernier lors du match au sommet de Premier League Manchester City-Arsenal, son entraineur Arsene Wenger se declarant [beaucoup moins que] ennuye [beaucoup plus grand que] pour l'attaquant anglais en vue de l'Euro-2016.
Il ne s'est jamais lasse; il ne s'est jamais ennuye; il ne s'est jamais arrete.
I am ennuye beyond my usual tense of that yawning verb, which I am always conjugating; and I don't find that society much mends the matter.
Un seul eleve se montre ennuye par l'arrivee d'une nouvelle personne, puisqu'il <<aime bien la facon d'enseigner de son enseignante>> (Baptiste).
Her sincerity and authenticity work as a spell on the protagonist, boosting the ennuye's self-esteem and creating a fiction with very positive consequences (Fernandez 2008: 311-313).
Her anachronistic equation of ennui with boredom--which is the meaning the word has come to take in contemporary French but which, for Baudelaire and for many other nineteenth-century writers, Flaubert included, still carried much of its darker and loftier classical flavour--makes it well-nigh synonymous with the French poet's beloved spleen, a meaning which, literatures moving in mysterious ways across the Atlantic as they do, may have led Whitman specifically to seize on this word in its adjectival form (i.e., ennuye).
A contrario, le livre ne s'adresse clairement pas au grand public susceptible d'etre ennuye par les explications exhaustives de certaines notions theoriques, telles que la << laicite inclusive >>, le << pluralisme integrateur >> ou la << culture publique commune >>, pour ne nommer que celles-ci.