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Related to ELINT: COMINT


(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) intelligence gathered by using electronic sensors to intercept electromagnetic signals, such as radio signals, from other countries
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.ELINT - intelligence derived from electromagnetic radiations from foreign sources (other than radioactive sources)
SIGINT, signals intelligence - intelligence information gathered from communications intelligence or electronics intelligence or telemetry intelligence
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The software and hardware complement each other perfectly and provide the operator with a fully integrated solution for ELINT collection and analysis tasks.
Flying an aircraft with this degree of sophistication close to Russian territory may have prompted the USAF and the RAF, which will operate the F-35B variant of the aircraft from later this decade, to perform ELINT collection to see how Russia's Integrated Air Defence (IADS) system, notably its ground-based air surveillance radars and the radio communications which tie an IADS together, reacted to the deployment of such an aircraft.
Students learn to use the Generic Area Limitation Environment tool suite to manipulate ELINT data and build increasingly detailed intelligence products which they use on performance tests.
This modular approach provides a rugged transceiver with exceptional resolution, bandwidth and coherency making this module a game-changer for high-end ELINT, EW and radar applications," said Lorne Graves, Technical Director of Mercury's Embedded Sensor Products Group.
The Saab 2000 MPA system incorporates an ELINT system providing the capability to intercept and collect intelligence information consisting of detailed information of e.g.
Marketing manager Igo Licht says: "We are working on a full range of radar and other sensors for COMINT and ELINT." Aug 17, 2010
ELINT; the interception and analysis of radar signals.
Learn about technical and operational ELINT and EW data base structure, documentation, usage and software.
That is just what the MAIGRET S 5800 combined naval RESM, ELINT, CESM, COMINT and SIGINT system can deliver.
It also gathered much vital electronic intelligence, or Elint, meaning those signals put out by radar, missiles, and other devices.