

a friend or a chum
frayed or in tatters
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I've no need for fine clothes in Mac's play this time, so I can afford a few duddies for myself.
He worked at Duddie and then Framingham Ford for 27 years and built many close relationships there.
Six years later, in 1949, Bette married David "Duddie" Massad with whom she has shared life, love and family these past 64 years.
COMMUNITY From left, Peter Duddie, Neil Graham, Darren Potter, all from Guide Dogs for the Blind, Craig Leslie, Georgie Hind and Grace Metcalfe from OYT NE and guide dogs Onyx, Prem, Ally and Joey SUPPORT Prince William and Kate Middleton have asked for charities to benefit from their wedding
The bullies at the state Ethics Commission should be ashamed of themselves for picking on former Sheriff Guy Glodis, who is alleged to have performed an illegal favor for his buddy Duddie.
MILLBURY - Denise (Umphrey) Duddie, 42, of Millbury, passed away peacefully Wednesday, December 19th, 2012 after a struggle with cancer.
"Duddie" Massad two years ago about getting an inmate out of jail on work release.
"Duddie" Massad also testified, as did his longtime friend Joseph T.
Tam Duddie, Alloa, said: "The SFA should wait until the end of this season and pick the winner of the Daily Record's Dream Team."
"Duddie" Massad said yesterday his auto dealership on Park Avenue will close for good in May, ending a 60-year run selling cars and trucks in Worcester.
"Duddie" Massad, who purchased the formerly struggling institution in 1993.