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(Chemistry) an apparatus for desalting
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The plant's most important units are the initial refining unit, the ED-AV-6 electric desalter and the fuel oil vacuum distiller.
Another 33% of supplies come from the Chino Desalter Authority, which treats brackish groundwater.
Installation of ESDVs & FVs Tender no : RFP-2022083 Description : Installation of ESDVs and FVs on brackish water lines of old desalter trains at S&EK GCS.
In April 2009, King Abdullah pushed a button to start up the world's largest desalter; the $3.4 billion Shoaiba Desalination Plant, producing 800 thousand cubic metres of water a year and generates electricity for 1.5 million people.
New product launches have included the 'crude desalter profiler', which is designed to operate at high temperatures and based on the multi-award winning instrument,