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(deʒøne) or


literary the morning meal
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.dejeuner - a midday mealdejeuner - a midday meal        
meal, repast - the food served and eaten at one time
business lunch - lunch (usually at a restaurant) where business is discussed and the cost is charged as a business expense
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
His Olympia seemed to me the greatest picture of modern times, and Le Dejeuner sur l'Herbe moved me profoundly.
A few steps brought them to a smaller restaurant, where a dozen people were already lunching on the pavement under an awning; on the window was announced in large white letters: Dejeuner 1.25, vin compris.
Father Brown gathered, from the course of the conversation, that Cray, the other gourmet, had to leave before the usual lunch-time; but that Putnam, his host, not to be done out of a final feast with an old crony, had arranged for a special dejeuner to be set out and consumed in the course of the morning, while Audrey and other graver persons were at morning service.
But who pities a poor barber who can't get his money for powdering the footmen's heads; or a poor carpenter who has ruined himself by fixing up ornaments and pavilions for my lady's dejeuner; or the poor devil of a tailor whom the steward patronizes, and who has pledged all he is worth, and more, to get the liveries ready, which my lord has done him the honour to bespeak?
Famous French impressionist Claude Monet's 'Luncheon on the Grass' ("Le dejeuner sur l'herbe") will take center stage in the exhibition, and the priceless painting was unpacked in Taipei on Nov.
Le dejeuner est une comedie douce amere realisee par Lucien Bourjeily est repartie avec le prix du jury et un prix tres particulier defendu par Faouzi Bensaidi qui a decide d'accorder le prix de la meilleure interpretation masculine a l'ensemble des acteurs hommes et femmes qui ont porte en effet de bout en bout ce huis clos de dechirement d'une famille rassemblee en principe pour un dejeuner de fete pour voir en fin de compte son consensus festif voler en eclats et finir par faire tomber les masques.
Un studio pour une personne se loue a 3500DA (petit dejeuner inclu) et pour un bunagalow de quatre personnes, il faut debourser 8000DA (petit dejeuner inclus).
Rather than Le Dejeuner sur l'herbe deriving from Marcantonio Raimondi's engraving of Raphael's lost work, The Judgment of Paris, it emerges from the habitus of Eduoard Manet expressed through the social field of his time and society (322).