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Related to decuple: nonuple


1. Consisting of ten parts or members.
2. Ten times as much in size, strength, number, or amount.
A tenfold amount or number.
intr. & tr.v. dec·u·pled, dec·u·pling, dec·u·ples
To multiply or be multiplied by ten.

[Middle English, from Old French, from Late Latin decuplus : Latin decem, ten; see dekm̥ in Indo-European roots + Latin -plus, -fold; see pel- in Indo-European roots.]

de·cup′ly adv.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(Mathematics) (tr) to increase by ten times
(Mathematics) an amount ten times as large as a given reference
(Mathematics) increasing tenfold
[C15: from Old French, from Late Latin decuplus tenfold, from Latin decem ten]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈdɛk yʊ pəl)

1. ten times as great.
2. to increase tenfold.
[1375–1425; late Middle English < Middle French < Latin decuplus tenfold =dec(em) ten + -uplus, as in quadruplus quadruple]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: decupled
Gerund: decupling

I decuple
you decuple
he/she/it decuples
we decuple
you decuple
they decuple
I decupled
you decupled
he/she/it decupled
we decupled
you decupled
they decupled
Present Continuous
I am decupling
you are decupling
he/she/it is decupling
we are decupling
you are decupling
they are decupling
Present Perfect
I have decupled
you have decupled
he/she/it has decupled
we have decupled
you have decupled
they have decupled
Past Continuous
I was decupling
you were decupling
he/she/it was decupling
we were decupling
you were decupling
they were decupling
Past Perfect
I had decupled
you had decupled
he/she/it had decupled
we had decupled
you had decupled
they had decupled
I will decuple
you will decuple
he/she/it will decuple
we will decuple
you will decuple
they will decuple
Future Perfect
I will have decupled
you will have decupled
he/she/it will have decupled
we will have decupled
you will have decupled
they will have decupled
Future Continuous
I will be decupling
you will be decupling
he/she/it will be decupling
we will be decupling
you will be decupling
they will be decupling
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been decupling
you have been decupling
he/she/it has been decupling
we have been decupling
you have been decupling
they have been decupling
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been decupling
you will have been decupling
he/she/it will have been decupling
we will have been decupling
you will have been decupling
they will have been decupling
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been decupling
you had been decupling
he/she/it had been decupling
we had been decupling
you had been decupling
they had been decupling
I would decuple
you would decuple
he/she/it would decuple
we would decuple
you would decuple
they would decuple
Past Conditional
I would have decupled
you would have decupled
he/she/it would have decupled
we would have decupled
you would have decupled
they would have decupled
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
References in periodicals archive ?
Cet impact sera meme decuple si, en meme temps, l'on apprend a valoriser la competence nationale, a avoir confiance les uns dans les autres et a aimer notre pays comme nous aimons nos propres familles.
Selon une source diplomatique, le recours aux enfants dans les conflits a decuple au cours des deux dernieres decennies.
En 2006, la duree du sejour a ete augmentee a deux ans pour les participants au << volet des professions non specialises >> (82), et le nombre des participants a plus que decuple depuis (83).
After dissolving a certain amount quaternary salts in double distilled water, some of solution was taken out from volumetric flask and diluted with double distilled water by duplicate diluting method or decuple diluting method, and a series of solutions containing different concentration of quaternary salt were obtained.
DECAMEROUS means 10 of, of 10 or decuple. Contrast quaternary and quadruple (4 of) with 8 and 9 letters,quinary and quintuple (5 of) with 7 and 9 letters, septenary andseptuple (7) with 9 and 8 letters, and novenary and nonuple (9) with 8and 7 letters.
Ila affirme que [beaucoup moins que] la popularite de sa formation politique a decuple au cours des trois dernieres annees, ce qui l'habilite a ecraser tous ses concurrents et remporter les prochaines elections.
II faut avouer d'ailleurs que l'interet de l'ouvrage est en quelque sorte decuple par l'actualite recente, plusieurs des acteurs compromis par les differents scandales qui secouent presentement le monde municipal quebecois y tenant des roles importants.