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Related to coronel: Military ranks


the iron head of a tilting spear, used as a lance in jousting
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References in periodicals archive ?
Joel Coronel of the Police Regional Office 3 (PRO3) said that Central Luzon has achieved 100% closure of all these outlets.
Joel Napoleon Coronel. The sendoff ceremony was held at Camp Olivas in San Fernando, Pampanga.
Joel Coronel, Region 3 police director, presented the confiscated firearms to Philippine National Police Chief Police Gen.
Emma Coronel, 29, and the mother of twin 7 year-old girls by Guzman, ( is inviting design suggestions for her clothing line from her social media followers.
"Everything that has been said in court about Joaquin, the good and the bad, has done nothing to change how I think about him after years of knowing him," Emma Coronel, 29, said in a message on her Instagram account late Thursday.
Emma Coronel Aispuro, the wife of the notorious Mexican drug lord JoaquA-n "El Chapo" GuzmA n, made an interesting sartorial statement at his trial in New York City on Tuesday.
Citing both BMW and Bowden,the Court of Special Appeals said the 20:1 ratio passed constitutional muster due to the "gravity of the wrong," which included Raychel Harvey-Jones' falsification of a police charging document to defame Susan Coronel. The court noted that counterfeiting a public document is a felony under Maryland law punishable by up to two years in prison.
Joel Napoleon Coronel to assess the city's security status.