
Also found in: Medical.


(Pathology) pathol resembling a varix. Also: varicoid
[C19: from Greek kirsoeidēs, from kirsos swollen vein + -oid]
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To the Editor: Arteriovenous malformations (AVM), also referred to as cirsoid aneurysm, arteriovenous aneurysm, arteriovenous fistula, and cavernous hemangioma, can occur in any organ in the body.
Brooks, "Two cases of an abnormal coronary artery of the heart arising from the pulmonary artery: with some remarks upon the effects of this anomaly in producing cirsoid dilatation of the vessels," Transactions of the Academy of Medicine in Ireland, vol.
Renal AVMs are divided to three types, including the cirsoid, angiomatous, and aneurysmal [1].
Two cases of an abnormal coronary artery of the heart arising from the pulmonary artery: with some remarks upon the effect of this anomaly in producing cirsoid dilatation of the vessels.
Left renal arteriogram shows a large cirsoid type renal arteriovenous malformation.
Placental mesenchymal dysplasia, a case of intrauterine sudden death of fetus with rupture of cirsoid periumbilical chorionic vessels.