
(redirected from braciole)


 (brä′chē-ō′lə, brä-chō′-) or bra·ci·o·le (-lā′, -lĕ′)
A thin slice of meat, usually wrapped around a stuffing and cooked with wine.

[Italian, probably from dialectal braṣola, from braṣa, glowing ember, of Germanic origin; see bhreu- in Indo-European roots.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(ˌbrɑːʃɪˈəʊlə; Italian bratʃˈɔla)
n, pl -iole
(in Italian cooking) a thin slice of pan-fried beef
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˌbrɑ tʃiˈoʊ lə, brɑˈtʃoʊ-)

n., pl. -las, -le (-lā).
a flat piece meat rolled around a filling and cooked in a sauce.
[1940–45; < Italian]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Then came the Braciole Di Agnello Scottate or seared lamb chops with arugula and white bean salad.
Main course options include the 40-ounce Tomahawk Ribeye with smashed Brussels sprouts and lobster bearnaise for $125; Sunday Gravy with Tony's meatballs, Gene's sweet Italian sausage, lamb braciole, pork shank, beef short ribs and rigatoni pomodoro for $48; porchetta with salsa verde, focaccia, braised greens and apples for $46; or the Feast of Seven Fishes featuring stuffed shrimp oreganata, fried calamari, clams casino, mussels posillipo, scallops, crab-stuffed
The highlight for me is the melt-in-the-mouth braciole (beef and vegetables slowcooked in a clay pot, while after lunch, Mina guides us through a pasta-making class, where I attempt to roll the short capunti into shell-like orecchiette...
The 300 gram Wagyu Beef Tenderloin / Rib Eye Marble served with pan-seared foie gras, saffron mashed potatoes and baby spinach or the Braciole Di Agnello served with toasted almonds, semolina gnocchi and honey endives are just some of the choices that will surely satiate your appetite.
The highlight for me is the melt-in-the-mouth braciole (beef and vegetables slow-cooked in a clay pot, while after lunch, Mina guides us through a pastamaking class, where I attempt to roll the short capunti into shell-like orecchiette...
The highlight for me is the melt-in-the-mouth braciole (beef and vegetables slow-cooked in a clay pot), while after lunch, Mina guides us through a pasta-making class, where I attempt to roll the short capunti into shell-like orecchiette...
The highlight for me is the melt-inthe-mouth braciole (beef and vegetables slow-cooked in a clay pot).
Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi and his wife Agnese Landini were the guests of honor during the event, which featured a decadent Italian menu filled with Mario Batali ( curated goodies like warm butternut squash salad, agnolotti with butter and sage, beef braciole with horseradish gremolata&nbsp;and green apple crostata with thyme caramel, according to reports.
The fabulously named Breatiny's Child is a more meaty offering of veal breast braciole, pickled fig, sopresatta [salami], and goat yogurt at the price of 29 dollars.
Sample the sweetbread Milanese, octopus with chickpeas, pappardelle with oxtail ragu and old-fashioned braciole.
When they're not arranging hits, playing all-night poker or making casual conversation with a topless lap dancer, they are inhaling cannoli, braciole and linguine like human starlings.