

wearing a robe
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As the third goal went in, Infantino gave his berobed companion a little shrug of commiseration.
It's parents--whether in South Boston, Brooklyn, or rural America--championing their local schools against berobed bussers, education bureaucrats, and Cold War consolidators.
The Obamas, in photographs circulated throughout the world, were greeted at the Palace by a tiny, berobed despotalso known has HRH Prince Georgewho appeared bewildered by the oddly accented man who had chosen, insultingly, to squat before him instead of the more customary kneeling, before being made to sit atop an uncomfortable hobby horse he had never before seen, seemingly in order to please this mysterious stranger.
God forbid, apparently, that the public see that the berobed justices are human beings with a sense of humor.
They include bird-beaked demons, human-headed snails, berobed men with devil's horns, and ghoulish clowns.
NOTES Upstairs is the main spa; a new central waiting area under a cantilevered glass roof coupled with juice bar and shop serving the needs of dozens of berobed guests and visitors waiting to be called on for one of a range of treatments.
Once found down a narrow alleyway and behind an unmarked door, you are greeted at the top of a flight of stone steps by a large, bald and berobed host not unlike the scary, eye-ball rolling baddy in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom and, in a booming theatrical voice, he leads you down to a bar with kind of dcor which might be described as 'bondage-themed'.
Should the privileges or immunities clause be used in this way, as a charter of positive rights, ours will become a country in which: citizens constitutionally are entitled to their neighbors' possessions; economic redistribution has become as ingrained a principle as federalism and the separation of powers; the great constitutional issues of the day will focus on whether porridge should be subsidized and housing allowances reimbursed at 89% or 94% of the last fiscal year level; and a succession of new "rights" will be parceled out as people are deemed worthy of them by berobed lawyers in the judiciary.
But it was good to see our berobed brethren getting a rare opportunity to air their sheets in public, and that in broad daylight, as the Archdruid of Wales and the presiding druids of Anglesey and Powys had a rare pow-wow at the proclamation ceremony for next year's 100th Eisteddfod Mn.
BC borable / coracle BF bulbil / fulfil BH baba / haha BJ bay-bay / Jay Jay (FL) BL backband / lackland BN bobwhite / nonwhite BP barbal / parpal BS blurb / slurs BV barbe / varve BX berobed / Xeroxed BZ bibb / zizz BD babble / daddle BG barbet / garget BI habnab / Hainai BK banaba / Kanaka BM barb / mann BO bleb / oleo BR beback / rerack BT barbaric / tartaric BW brab / wraw BY baba / yaya
Unfortunately there were very few city councillors (no attendance allowance was provided) but at least we had the anachronistic Lord Mayor of Hale and a berobed coroner.
For instance, he describes the dingy jury-duty waiting room as having an "unexpected libidinous energy," and the trial judge as a magnificently impolite, berobed codger.