

resembling a bee
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Z GET A BUZZ Bella Beatson, the charity's beelike mascot, urges fast-car fanatics to seize the chance to Race the Runway
There is no way even the otherwise engrossed weekend driver from across the causeway could fail to spot you in this bright buzzing beelike beauty, which is not a bad thing when you're trying to find a parking space near the GulfWeekly offices off Exhibitions Avenue in Hoora.
"Exciting work," says Robert Wood of Harvard University, whose lab has developed beelike robots.
Beelike sphinx moths dart about in the late afternoon at flowering plants along roadsides and in meadows.
In Swarm, 2003-2007, for example, numerous small, black, beelike shapes spread themselves across two walls and onto a column like escapees from a video game.
For instance, the roughly 4,000 species of bee flies (Bombyliidae family) are all harmless but bear an uncanny resemblance to honeybees, having large, beelike heads and oversized abdomens marked with bold bands of yellow and black.
Binoculars resolve it into scores of faint stars swarming beelike around a dozen or so brighter ones (6th- and 7th-magnitude) that roughly suggest the form of an old-fashioned, dome-shaped beehive.
At that time the dinosaurs were in their glory, living in a temperate climate with fertile soil and vast warm-wale, swamps, whose banks were crowned by gigantic beelike ferns, palm trees, and ginkgoes.
Indeed, if he was any more beelike, he'd be wearing a yellow-and-black striped sweater and rubbing his backside on an assortment of flowers.
The process so impressed Seeley, he says, that when he became chair of his department, he instituted measures to make faculty meetings a bit more beelike.--Susan Milius Princeton Univ.
In other works, beelike figures hover above mathematical symbols, while cherry-topped dollops of ice cream become curious Art Deco-esque breasts.
The next time a beelike insect buzzes at you, don't be too quick to hit the panic button.