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unglazed black stoneware
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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In this neighborhood, he saw on the rocky banks of the river several prismoids of basaltes, rising to the height of fifty or sixty feet.
Black Basaltes and Jasperware (neo-classical style), were other early triumphs.
(1985): Smectites etprodutis d'alteration des basaltes tertiaires des iles Faeroe (Atlantique Nord Est).
Evoking through their shape the glazed hexagonal tiles used frequently in Islamic architecture and referencing through their material the distinctive Black Basaltes vitreous stoneware introduced by Josiah Wedgwood in the 18th century, the modules of Harrow's sculpture implicitly reflected on the historical production of ceramic multiples in both workshop and factory.
Like cream ware, this dramatic black ware was known by various names, including "Egyptian Black", until Wedgwood adopted the name "Black Basaltes".
L'enrichissement modere typique des basaltes calco-alcalins et tholeiitiques d'arcs insulaires en elements legers des terres (LREE) rares ainsi que le profil plat de leur contenu en elements lourds desterres tares (HREE) sont des indicateurs d'une origine mantelique peu profonde (iherzolithe a spinelle).
At 2ft tall, the basaltes vases are greatly enlarged versions of 18thcentury Wedgwood vases.
Une interpretation geochimique des analyses des elements mineurs et des elements traces de six amphibolites et de quatre schistes de la Formation de Seven Hundred Acre Island revele que les protolithes des amphibolites ont constitute des stades intermediaires entre les ecoulements ou les filons intrusifs basaltiques tholeiitiques et intra-plaques ayant fait intrusion dans la croute continentale attenuee, ou qu'ils proviennent de l'erosion de ces basaltes. On a constate que quatre amphibolites et trois schistes dont on a analyse les isotopes de plomb etaient enrichis en plomb radiogenique.