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another name for baroness
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References in classic literature ?
"She has had the advantage, you know, of practising on me," she continued"like La Baronne d'Almane on La Comtesse d'Ostalis, in Madame de Genlis' Adelaide and Theodore, and we shall now see her own little Adelaide educated on a more perfect plan."
"Madame la Baronne," said I, loudly and distinctly--embroidering each word, as it were--"j'ai l'honneur d'etre votre esclave."
Coquenard, the first husband of Madame la Baronne du Vallon, could not have done it better."
The count left his box, and a moment later was saluting the Baronne Danglars, who could not restrain a cry of mingled pleasure and surprise.
"But she certainly did a great deal to attract des Lupeaulx," said the Baronne du Chatelet to the Vicomtesse de Fontaine.
Une Marquise, c'est mieux qu'une Baronne me direz-vous...
They are provocatively worded so to draw attention to Lousteau's biological fatherhood: "Madame la baronne de la Baudraye est heureusement accouchee d'un garcon.
parenthesis concerning le capitaine Meynier (assassin de la baronne
In the hours before it hit they went to a takeaway and bought "the biggest pizza they could order" before making their way back to the Baronne Plaza.
Jules, it comes ostensibly from the Baronne de Maulincour, Auguste's grandmother.
Le Mariage du siecle ou Lettres de Madame la Comtesse de Castelli a Madame la Baronne de Freville.